Tamás Tóth Are you alive? 💃🕺 Are you dying? No? Cool, but are you alive then? A few years ago I came by a book that was written one or two hundred years ago, discussing what someone should do in their daily life. A person in that... growth health Aug 1, 2023
Tamás Tóth Are you dying? 🪦 Technically yes, you are, except if you are called Bryan Johnson or following the same blueprint that he does. For the first 3 decades of our lives we are in the growing phase, everything in our body ... beginning diet health workout Jul 31, 2023
Tamás Tóth Eat the rainbow You already know that if you want to eat healthy, you should eat a varied diet, in moderation, aiming for good nutritious content and so on, but this is a black and white statement, how do I decide wh... diet eatinghealthy health rainbow Jul 6, 2023
Tamás Tóth Goals till the end of 2023 Diet Intermittent fasting 16 hours a day, eating between 11am and 7pm Meals: Shake at 11am (dry content to be assembled in the morning and taken to work) protein powder (20g protein) - for cost saving... business fitness goals health learning weightloss workout Jul 4, 2023
Tamás Tóth Enrolled in Precision Nutrition Level 1 Course I have enrolled in Precision Nutrition's Level 1 Nutrition Certification in late 2020, I was quite motivated throughout that summer, but it only became available in October when we had quite a few lif... course health learn precisionnutrition Jun 15, 2023