Tamás Tóth Progressing your diet journey 🍎 We have discussed in my previous post how to start a diet for losing weight, now let's set our expectations on how it should go. ⚖️ How much should I expect to lose per week? Losing 0.5-1.0kg/week is ... diet hunger journey progress weightloss Jun 29, 2023
Tamás Tóth Beginning your diet journey 🍔 The long-term goal here is to change what you eat daily. This is usually a hard transition, because we have to face years or decades of unhealthy eating, for most of us this simply can't be done overn... beginning diet habits journey stepbystep yazio Jun 27, 2023
Tamás Tóth Tracking your progress - Diet, improved The advantage of having your own Google Sheets document for diet tracking is that you can improve it along the way and Sheets/Excel are quite powerful. The attached image is the improved version 6 mon... calories diet googlesheets meals progress thresholds tracking Jun 21, 2023
Tamás Tóth Tracking your progress - Diet Weight loss is 70% diet, 30% workout and everything else, so I also created my Google Sheets document for tracking daily consumption. I have started this at the end of March 2020, and for the first 2 ... calories diet meals progress tracking Jun 20, 2023