Tamás Tóth Beginning your workout journey 🏋♂️ 🚴♀️ 🤸♂️ The most important thing about working out is 🤜 showing up 🤛 ! If you don't find yourself in a gym at least 2-3 times a week or on a mat at home with dedicated time and equipment, it won't matter what... beginning journey starter workout Jun 26, 2023
Tamás Tóth Tracking your progress - Workouts, steps As I mentioned, I got a Xiaomi Mi Band 4 for my birthday in 2020, started tracking everything I could right away. The official mobile application as always wasn't too good on the statistics side, but ... miband progress steps tracking workout xiaomi Jun 23, 2023
Tamás Tóth Tracking your progress - Workout As they say in the software world, Microsoft Excel is your first competition, it is a very powerful tool with little knowledge required, if you don't find the "There's an app for that", then you can t... excel googlesheets progress tracking workout Jun 19, 2023